Hi everyone, The song of the week is 'Little Cabin Home On The Hill' in the key of A. Recordings Bill Monroe - key of A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GbU45MyMFc Osborne Brothers: key of B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWwwaWhxaYs Jam Videos Jason’s YouTube Links – Alphabetical Listing – Parisology (cyberplasm.com) Progression The chord progression for the verses and breaks is: 1141 1155 1141 1511 (Prog. V6 on the Basic Chord Progressions handout) The progression for the chorus is: 4411 1155 1141 1511 (Prog. X6 on the Basic Chord Progressions handout) In the key of G: 1=G, 4=C, 5=D In the key of A: 1=A, 4=D, 5=E In the key of B: 1=B, 4=E, 5=F# Attachments In the attachments, in addition to the lyric cheat sheet, and the melody sheets for the verse which I provide primarily for the sake of giving people a good starting point for coming up with melody-based breaks for the song, I have also included a sheet that shows the melody and the tenor harmony for the chorus. For each pair of notes, the lower of the two is the melody note, and the higher of the two is the tenor harmony note. Happy Pickin', Jason Sheet Music: Little Cabin Home - Banjo tab Download File Little Cabin Home - Guitar tab Download File Little Cabin Home - Mandolin tab Download File Little Cabin Home - Melody in A Download File Little Cabin Home On The Hill - Chorus Download Fil
High Beginner - Low Intermediate Bluegrass Jam (BIBJ)started in Sept 2021